Monday, October 19, 2009

New Ministry opportunities in November and December

Defend the Orphans has new ministry opportunities in November and December. November is National Adoption Awareness month and November 8th is National Orphan Sunday. To kick off our Adoption Awareness month Defend the Orphans ministry is initiating a Dollar Drive For Adoption Awareness in the month of November on Sunday November 8th. What this means is we are asking all families and individuals to collect their loose change and dollar bills to donate each Sunday at the morning service and at the Wednesday night service for the Adoption Awareness fund. We will have a container in the church sanctuary to collect your dollars and loose change each Sunday and Wednesday in the month on November. Our Team Kids ministry will join in by sharing a verse of scripture pertaining to adoption in each Sunday service and visiting the Sunday school classes to encourage donations. This money will be designated for the Christmas project for orphans. We will be adopting the wish lists for Christmas presents for local foster children at the Alabama Baptist Children's home. This wish list will consist of approximately $125.00 worth of toys and gifts per child. Additionally, if you feel led, clothes may be purchased for each child. Our goal is to fill the wish lists of at least 6 children for Christ this Christmas. The gifts will need to be purchased and turned into the ABCH by the second week in December. We will have the Blessing of the Gifts and Children at the Wednesday night service before the gifts are received by the Alabama Baptist Children's home. If you wish to shop you may request the wish list of one or more children, purchase the gifts and be reimbursed for the money spent or you may want to simply donate the gifts of one or more children. Or you may want to just donate your dollars and loose change to the fund each week. As you can see there are plenty of opportunities and ways to get involved to bless these little ones for Christ and to make your Christmas one that is Christ centered be serving the least of these. Thank you Coaling Baptist for your heart of service and for all the times you have shown your love for Christ by serving these little ones as unto the Lord Himself.

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